No special apps needed! Project Gutenberg eBooks require no special apps to read, just the regular Web browsers or eBook readers that are included with computers and mobile devices. There have been reports of sites that charge fees for custom apps, or for the same eBooks that are freely available from Project Gutenberg. Some of the apps might have worthwhile features, but none are required to enjoy Project Gutenberg eBooks.
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Project Gutenberg eBooks may be freely used in the United States because most are not protected by U.S. copyright law. They may not be free of copyright in other countries. Readers outside of the United States must check the copyright terms of their countries before accessing, downloading or redistributing eBooks. We also have a number of copyrighted titles, for which the copyright holder has given permission for unlimited non-commercial worldwide use.
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Further, you can borrow ebooks and audiobooks from your local library and read them via apps like Libby, Overdrive, Hoopla, and even Kindle. But those you naturally have to return after a couple of weeks. Instead, here are 10 places where you can get free ebooks and audiobooks.
A division of the Internet Archive, Open Library(Opens in a new window) is devoted specifically to ebooks and audiobooks. Hosting more than 3 million books, the site offers classic books that you can read online or download as epub or PDF files. Acting as a real library, Open Library also features more modern books that you can borrow for 14 days and read online.
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With a collection of more than 45,000 free e-books, Project Gutenberg is a volunteer effort to create and share e-books online. The selection includes(Opens in a new tab) everything from Pride and Prejudice(Opens in a new tab) by Jane Austen(Opens in a new tab) to Alice's Adventures in Wonderland(Opens in a new tab) by Lewis Carroll(Opens in a new tab) to Frankenstein by Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley(Opens in a new tab). No registration or fee is required, and books are available in ePub, Kindle, HTML, and simple text formats.
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You can get some downloadable e-books through your local library, or an online library like Libby(Opens in a new tab), which requires that you have an actual library card to sign up. The drawbacks are clear: Libraries have a specific number of copies to lend, and if all copies are already checked out, you'll have to wait your turn. And, like all other books you borrow from the library, you can't hold onto the e-book forever. But if you want a recently released book, this could be your best bet.
In this writeup, I will share with you how I was able to download any ebook from Google Play Store without paying for it. Yes, you read it right, without paying a cent, and I found this bug in 10 minutes.
There is an important difference between the ebooks you can get off of websites and the ebooks the library offers. The ebooks the library offers come with check out periods, so after a set period of time the books will be removed from your device unless it is an ebook with unlimited downloading capablity and no checkout periods.
On the internet, fiscally speaking, there are two types of ebooks you can download: paid and free. The paid ebooks are typically books still under copyright available in an ebook format. This would include most new fiction ebooks. If you have a Kindle you can buy ebooks from If you have a NOOK you can buy ebooks from Sony eReader you can buy from their reader store.
However, there are many sites such as Project Gutenberg that offer free ebooks for you to download to your device for as long as you would like. Most of these books are older materials that are no longer in copyright or works that authors and publishers have decided to offer for free. Some of the sites that offer free downloads are shown in the box to the right.
Now you know your options for downloading ebooks onto your Mac. To learn how to download ebooks on other types of devices, check out our full blog: Everything You Need to Know About How to Download eBooks on Any Device.
When we are talking of free eBook apps, there is no way we can miss out mentioning Kindle. It is by far one of the most popular book reading apps. You can signup & download it here. and read a lot of free books that span nearly all categories from romance to fiction, non-fiction, historical and more.
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While the major book reading apps like Apple Books, Amazon Kindle, and Google Play Books have an amazing selection of e-books to download, they are not so great when it comes to finding freebies. To get e-books for free, you need to look a little further afield.
Libby is a free app created by Overdrive that acts as a virtual library. Instead of buying a book to keep forever, you can borrow it for a limited time for free. There are millions of e-books to choose from, as well as a huge selection of audiobooks that you can listen to directly from your iPhone.
You have the option to download the e-book onto your device, or you can simply read the HTML version directly from the website, which frees up space on your phone and lets you start reading straight away.
Smashwords has more books published by independent authors around the world than any other website. There are over 500,000 e-books in the catalog written by 135,000 authors, and although many of them come with a fee, there are still over 80,000 free titles to choose from. Even the paid-for e-books tend to be significantly cheaper than on major sites, like Amazon Kindle. There are also tons of books that work on a pay-what-you-like scheme.
Open Library is run by Internet Archive and aims to make their huge collection of books even more accessible. The project links with local libraries around the world and sources e-books from all four corners of the internet. Their mission is to build a webpage for every published book known to man and make all literature free and readily available to anyone who wants to read it.
The Cloud Library allows you to borrow and read eBooks and eAudiobooks. The newly redesigned app includes all new navigation and personalization, making it easier than ever to find eBooks or Audiobooks from your local public library. This app includes a fully functional reader allowing the user to read their ebook directly in the app, as well as bookmark and save the position of their book across devices. It also includes an Audiobook player, allowing the user to download, play and listen to their books offline. 2ff7e9595c